Data processing agreement for sensitive personal data
When we, as an IT supplier, work on customer databases with personally sensitive data, a data processing agreement must be prepared
A data processor agreement demonstrates how we work around your databases and systems, including processes, data processing, documentation, security, access, rights, etc., in order to ensure confidentiality about your sensitive personal data, when you as (data responsible) company gives us as an IT supplier access to your systems and data, and/or asking us to provide support on systems and evt. develop functionality to it.
The Personal data act and the EU Personal Data Regulation (GDPR) govern the safety of handling the Personal Data Act and the Data Inspectorate ensures compliance with legislation with companies that, as data responsible, keep sensitive data in the company's many different systems and databases..
There are several variants of the data processing agreements, and we have good experience with that. We sit down and, together, define how we work on your systems and data bases, and if the processes may have to be altered and documented differently going forward, so data processor agreement may reflect the agreed cooperation processes.
Contact us below if you want changes to the already signed agreements, data processor or want to collaborate with VisionPeople about handling of your sensitive personal data.